The “Serve Est” Programme

The leadership programme, in the year 2021, has been rebranded. Rather than selecting “Prefects” we have selected individuals based on the principles of ‘serve est’. Meaning, those who come to serve first. Although we believe leaders are born, it is essential that young people be given the opportunity to learn and practise leadership.

The Serve Est Programme applies different strategies and ideals to help educate our future leaders. We have selected a setwork book, The Boy, The Mole, The Fox and The Horse. We use the messages and principles outlined in the book as points of training and focus primarily on the principles of:

  1. Kindness
  2. Trust
  3. Wisdom
  4. Vulnerability
  5. Action

The hope is to train learners in a manner in which they lead best at the front of the pack.
Paving the way and trudging through the mud so that those who follow may not have to endure as many struggles along the path.

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Understanding the Process

1. It is a voluntary programme.

2. It consists of different stages which are explained in the application process.

3. It involves multiple selection stages that will take place throughout the year.

4. Candidates may opt out in the First Stage of the process and forfeit a place.

5. Candidates are selected to participate in stage 2 of the selection process which takes place in Terms 3 / 4.

6. Only the selected candidates will be put through their paces for the final stage and step into the leadership body in Term 4.

7. It is important to read all sections outlined in the application form, when received, so that learners understand and are properly prepared for the process.

The Stages

Stage 1: Enrolment and orientation into the voluntary programme. This happens during Term 2 / 3 in Grade 6.

Stage 2: Selection of the CORE candidates.

Stage 3: Appointment of the school leaders. They will be appointed to leadership in Grade 7, Term 1, of the following year.

Understanding The Vulnerability of the Serve Est Programme

It is essential that learners and parents understand for what the learner is signing up. As part of the rebranding, the expectations for the Grade 6s who volunteer for the programme are greater than before.

Prospective candidates will have to be willing to put in extra work and hours after school, as well as occasional hours on weekends for community service and training activities. Participation and involvement in these training sessions, community service projects and after school activities will be expected if the learner wishes to progress through the stages.

It is also important that learners and parents understand that this programme is time consuming. This means that learners must be able to balance school academics, sports and the demands of this programme. Keep in mind that the academic performance of learners will be used to apply to high schools this year.

Personal discretion is required when applying to the programme. Learners must put their well being first and will need to decide which aspects of life should take priority in their lives at this point in time.

The Expectations

It is essential that applicants realise there is possible disappointment involved in the process. Not every one can be elected and as a result, there are always some left feeling disappointed. This is part of the risk that one takes when one puts oneself out there.