Uniquely Sun Valley Primary School: ‘Charity begins at home’ may seem clichè, but SVPS is a home away from home.

SOL Programme

SOL in many languages means ‘sun’ so there is no paradox in bringing in the sunshine into the lives of so many learners as an act of humanity demonstrated each day by parents who care. The only language that we speak at SVPS is love.

A group of parents are a rock solid foundation to many learners. They’ve accepted the responsibility to assist learners whether it’s academic, emotional or just to celebrate a birthday by providing a small present, a card and/or birthday treats for the learner’s classmates. That is where we make lasting memories.

Room Parents

Parent involvement has massive benefits for both parent/carer/educator and child; whilst parents have a chance to strengthen relationships with educators and bond with their child and peers. The participation of parents in the educational process means that educators and parents share the responsibility to teach learners and work together to achieve educational goals. To this end, it helps when parents feel happier and more involved with education. A good connection with the school lets parents understand the well-being of the children with whom they assist. It also helps them feel more comfortable and happier with the quality of education.

Room Parents is a volunteering service for parents who offer time and care for our learners. In order to facilitate the process, there is a training session for all Room Parents each year as an initial contact and screening process. They report to the Reception Front Office where they sign in and receive a Visitor’s Badge.

Room Parents are teacher assistants who are required to assist an educator with either reading (English or Afrikaans), Mathematics, practising an oral or an Eisteddfod piece, etc. This may be in the learner’s class or in another class where they are needed by arrangement and as set out by the educator. All meetings/assistance will take place in the school passages. The duration of assistance is approximately 30/45 minutes.

Room Parents are not expected to get involved in the planning of the work/methodology of work being taught. Educators will always prepare the work to be completed by the Room Parent in advance. It’s a unique programme run by SVPS’s school counsellor.

Lunch Scheme

A programme introduced to ensure that learners are fed in order for them to learn. Research has indicated that there is a relationship between nutrition and cognition. Therefore, our goal is to manage the nutrition and meals of our learners who are not fortunate enough to have a packed lunch or to have had a meal the previous evening.

Poverty and under-nutrition affect a large percentage of our community. As a result, many learners arrive at school hungry. Our successful feeding scheme programme has expanded year on year to assist more and more learners. The network of parents provide a fresh lunch pack for several learners each day over the school week. The pack consist of sandwiches, a fruit and a snack. Learners are able to fetch a lunch pack and their snack for the appropriate GO (Glucose + Oxygen) Break from GC, the learner-receptionist.


After School Assistance/Consolidation
This is a service which has been added to our Homebase option as of 2022. Parents have been allocated to groups to ensure that learners are able to receive extra assistance to complete tasks after school. They are assisted by parents who help them to consolidate or revise a particular skill and/or concept after school at a particular venue. This intervention is done after careful consideration and consultation with all stakeholders.

My School

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Prices: Advertisement costs R250 per insert

Artwork specifications: All artwork is to be supplied in landscape PDF or JPEG format. Size: 800 x 1200px

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NB: Booked on a first come, first serve basis. R250,00 secures your booking. Publication dates will be confirmed via email.

Make a Donation

We welcome donations to our school, which helps to upgrade our facilities and enhance the education of the learners who attend our school, as well as to uplift and assist our community. A section 18A donation tax certificate will be issued. Please refer to bank details or use the SnapScan facility to make a donation or contact for further information.


We welcome donations to our school, which helps to upgrade our facilities and enhance the education of the learners who attend our school, as well as to uplift and assist our community. A section 18A donation tax certificate will be issued. Please refer to bank details or use the SnapScan facility to make a donation or contact for further information.