Passionate young advocates:

Not only have we decided to reduce our carbon footprint, we decided to save energy, reduce greenhouse gases through academic components in the curriculum, prevent pollution, and more. By improving our recycling habits, we are able to help keep the environment clean and preserve our natural resources.

We recognise the vital role that a school plays in improving the environment by educating our school community about the importance of recycling and getting them excited and involved in the school’s recycling initiatives and programmes. Our learners and staff have made every effort to think about the environment. Our learners are encouraged to contribute to our school’s recycling efforts. We have begun to use Recycling Bins more effectively. Our staff is enthusiastically involved.

As a school, we step into the arena to help shape our habits so that our learners continue with this new mindset into adulthood. So our ‘passionate young advocates’ who are recycling will carry this message and help improve recycling everywhere that they go. With the introduction of recycling and reusing awareness and the learning of how to recycle has exposed them to a host of other learning possibilities such as ecosystems, consumer culture and the properties of different materials like plastic, aluminium, paper and glass – introducing the subject of sustainability will give our learners hope that even the smallest actions matter and that their actions can make a difference.

So, we shall continue to improve in issuing electronic copies instead of printing everything with our digital iBooks and class activities; also sending out emailed newsletters or notes to parents rather than printed ones. We have repurposed materials that have been used to make great projects to encourage children to get creative.

House points for Recycling are intended to keep our teams engaged, motivated and passionate. Promoting curiosity about the world around them, the environment and its vast biodiversity is the foundation of promoting recycling in schools.

Onward to a path of a greener future – with the banner of the three Rs flying high – Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.


Solar power is cutting-edge technology – a modern culture and global symbol. Solar panel have been installed to pursue a greener and more eco-friendly environment. The benefits are obvious while being an absolute necessity. In addition to decreasing our carbon footprint, solar panels are meant to also generate a great deal of power. Fortunately, solar power in a climate like Cape Town, becomes a free source of energy and found in abundance throughout the year.

SVPS looked for options that offered environmentally-conscious and renewable power to established sustainability designed to drive green initiatives forward while offering a dependable source unlimited energy. It inspired our School Governing Body and School Management Team to invest in solar energy. It’s ideal for reducing energy bills and cutting costs associated with powering a school like SVPS; it’s an affordable option that we could not afford to undertake and it will pay off as we venture down the road.

Reducing our carbon footprint …