Governance and professional management of Sun Valley Primary School

The School Governing Body (SGB), is a statutory body of parents, educators and non-teaching staff who seek to work together to promote the well-being and effectiveness of the school community and thereby enhance learning and teaching. The SGB provides the opportunity for the parents to be participants and partners in the successful running of the school.

The Governing Body consists of elected parent members, educators and non-educator members, as well as the Principal who is an ex-officio member of the SGB. The term of office of an SGB is three years. All members have equal standing although only elected members and the Principal have voting rights.

Meetings of the governing body is arranged at least once every school term. There are several occasions for other informal meeting where members are present and actively engaged at school related functions and events.

The SGB follows due process according to the SA School’s Act. There has always been a harmony between all the role players with the sole purpose to support, improve and impact the community within Sun Valley Primary and the broader community. The SGB has always seen the need to provide training for staff and governors so that they are able to perform their functions as high performing individuals and teams. Therefore, the SGB promotes the best interests of the school and strives to ensure its development through the provision of quality education for all learners at the school. This governance grants to the parents of SVPS certain governance rights and a meaningful say in the school attended by their child/ren.

Governing bodies have the right to sit in council and formulate policies. The critical rights to be granted to governors include: the setting of policies in fields like admissions, language and finance; governance authority over matters such as the use of school fees through the budgeting process, the employment of additional staff, the physical infrastructure of the school, the addition or removal of subjects, the extra-mural curriculum including what sports should be offered, school uniform and school branding and the learner and educator codes of conduct. They adopt a Constitution; support the principal, educators and other staff of the school in the performance of their professional functions; encourage parents, learners, educators and other staff at the school to render voluntary services to the school; make recommendations regarding the appointment of educators at the school; buys textbooks, educational material and/or equipment for the school.

The WCED supports the SGB by advising them on their responsibilities. SVPS is a member of FEDSAS that is ‘the national representative organisation for governing bodies that informs, organises, mobilises and equips its members to achieve and uphold the highest recognised international education standards.’

All parents whose children are registered at SVPS have roles and responsibilities and the right to be involved in the affairs of the school by attending parent meetings.
Governors are responsible for the governance of the School, not its management. Ultimately, the Principal is accountable for the school as the Department of Education’s representative. The day-to-day running of the school is in the hands of the School Management Team. Individual SGB members have no authority independently; they may act only in committee.

The governing body and staff of SVPS work well together for the good of the school due to the essential factor on trust, integrity and an understanding of a common purpose. It has relied on good, effective working relationships with the principal, staff, parents, the Department of Education, and other relevant agencies and the community.